SUZI Akcije
Održano predavanje: "Water storage reservoirs in Vancouver, Canada - Earthquake related design aspects for new reservoirs and seismic upgrades of existing reservoirs"

U četvrtak, 17. oktobra 2024. godine od 16:00-17:00 časova, na engleskom jeziku putem Zoom platforme održano je četvrto SUZI predavanje u 2024. godini: "Water storage reservoirs in Vancouver, Canada - Earthquake related design aspects for new reservoirs and seismic upgrades of existing reservoirs".

Predavač je bio John Sherstobitoff, P.Eng, Principal, Seismic & Structures, Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC, Vancouver, Canada.

Predavanju je prisustvovalo oko 20 učesnika.

U nastavku se nalaze abstrakt predavanja, biografija predavača, snimak i slajdovi sa predavanja.


The water supply system serving over two million residents in the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada, includes over 20 water storage reservoirs. These reservoirs are critical after an earthquake to provide their stored water for use until any damage to the transmission and distribution system is repaired. The earthquake hazard in Vancouver is due three different scenario earthquakes: an offshore subduction earthquake, local crustal earthquakes, and nearby deeper in-slab earthquakes. The reservoirs are designed to remain undamaged for a moderate earthquake and to remain functional, with post-earthquake repair in due course, for a severe earthquake. New reservoirs consist of fully buried reinforced concrete structures, including valve chambers, and partially or totally above ground reservoirs, also with their related valve chambers. In addition to the design for earthquake related loading, the design addresses thermal demands and specific criteria for crack control. Current projects ensure concrete meets NSF standards as related to potable water. The system includes many older reservoirs built to lesser earthquake design requirements. These are being upgraded to meet the same seismic performance requirements, where possible, as new reservoirs. This webinar will discuss the design of both a new in-ground reservoir and a new above-ground reservoir. The seismic upgrades of three reservoirs will also be discussed, comparing two ‘conventional’ upgrade schemes with a scheme that implemented viscous dampers.

Biografija predavača:

John Sherstobitoff is a structural engineer with some 40 years of experience related to seismic and dynamic analysis and design of both buildings and infrastructure. He has worked on new buildings and infrastructure, and also numerous renovation and seismic upgrade projects developing innovative and cost-effective schemes. His seismic upgrade projects include several “firsts” in Canada: first use of viscous dampers; first base isolated building; and first use of external buckling restrained bracing. His infrastructure projects have focused extensively on water storage reservoirs in the Greater Vancouver area, both new and seismic upgrading of existing. For 10 years, John was chair of the Standing Committee on Earthquake Design (SC-ED) regarding earthquake design provisions in the National Building Code of Canada (NBC). Within SC-ED, he chaired the Working Group for Base Isolation and Supplemental Energy Dissipation that implemented new provisions into NBC 2015, and chaired the Task Group for Performance Based and Resilient Design, that has prepared new provisions for NBC 2020. He has been intimately involved for 20 years on developing and updating the performance based Seismic Retrofit Guidelines (SRG) for BC school buildings. Further to the development of SRG, he has completed numerous Seismic Risk Assessments, Seismic Project Identification Reports, Project Definition Reports, and detailed designs of school seismic upgrades. The projects that he has led have received numerous Canadian national and provincial awards. He recently received the Meritorious Achievement Award from the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of British Columbia in recognition of his contribution to the engineering profession, to the development of the industry, and to the community.

Slajdovi sa predavanja

U četvrtak, 17. oktobra 2024. godine od 16:00-17:00 časova, na engleskom jeziku putem Zoom platforme održano je četvrto SUZI predavanje u 2024. godini: "Water storage reservoirs in Vancouver, Canada - Earthquake related design aspects for new reservoirs and seismic upgrades of existing reservoirs".

Predavač je bio John Sherstobitoff, P.Eng, Principal, Seismic & Structures, Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC, Vancouver, Canada.

Predavanju je prisustvovalo oko 20 učesnika.

U nastavku se nalaze abstrakt predavanja, biografija predavača, snimak i slajdovi sa predavanja.


The water supply system serving over two million residents in the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada, includes over 20 water storage reservoirs. These reservoirs are critical after an earthquake to provide their stored water for use until any damage to the transmission and distribution system is repaired. The earthquake hazard in Vancouver is due three different scenario earthquakes: an offshore subduction earthquake, local crustal earthquakes, and nearby deeper in-slab earthquakes. The reservoirs are designed to remain undamaged for a moderate earthquake and to remain functional, with post-earthquake repair in due course, for a severe earthquake. New reservoirs consist of fully buried reinforced concrete structures, including valve chambers, and partially or totally above ground reservoirs, also with their related valve chambers. In addition to the design for earthquake related loading, the design addresses thermal demands and specific criteria for crack control. Current projects ensure concrete meets NSF standards as related to potable water. The system includes many older reservoirs built to lesser earthquake design requirements. These are being upgraded to meet the same seismic performance requirements, where possible, as new reservoirs. This webinar will discuss the design of both a new in-ground reservoir and a new above-ground reservoir. The seismic upgrades of three reservoirs will also be discussed, comparing two ‘conventional’ upgrade schemes with a scheme that implemented viscous dampers.

Biografija predavača:

John Sherstobitoff is a structural engineer with some 40 years of experience related to seismic and dynamic analysis and design of both buildings and infrastructure. He has worked on new buildings and infrastructure, and also numerous renovation and seismic upgrade projects developing innovative and cost-effective schemes. His seismic upgrade projects include several “firsts” in Canada: first use of viscous dampers; first base isolated building; and first use of external buckling restrained bracing. His infrastructure projects have focused extensively on water storage reservoirs in the Greater Vancouver area, both new and seismic upgrading of existing. For 10 years, John was chair of the Standing Committee on Earthquake Design (SC-ED) regarding earthquake design provisions in the National Building Code of Canada (NBC). Within SC-ED, he chaired the Working Group for Base Isolation and Supplemental Energy Dissipation that implemented new provisions into NBC 2015, and chaired the Task Group for Performance Based and Resilient Design, that has prepared new provisions for NBC 2020. He has been intimately involved for 20 years on developing and updating the performance based Seismic Retrofit Guidelines (SRG) for BC school buildings. Further to the development of SRG, he has completed numerous Seismic Risk Assessments, Seismic Project Identification Reports, Project Definition Reports, and detailed designs of school seismic upgrades. The projects that he has led have received numerous Canadian national and provincial awards. He recently received the Meritorious Achievement Award from the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of British Columbia in recognition of his contribution to the engineering profession, to the development of the industry, and to the community.

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